Scottish National Identity resources

The theme of the 2012 SETS Annual Conference (16-17 April 2012), “A Godly Commonwealth? The Gospel and Scottish Identity”, anticipated a growing interest in Christian reflection on national identity in Scotland. Now that the referendum debate is growing in vigour, the Society is making available the resources from that conference, both in their original form (MP3), and as they were later published in the Bulletin (PDF).

We trust these contributions will be a help to those wrestling with the issues facing Scotland in the run up to 18 September 2014, and even beyond.

Note: You can link to this page with the short URL:

Speaker Title MP3 Bulletin PDF
David Fergusson Christian Scotland: A Theological-Historical Overview Fergusson MP3 (38.4 Mb) SBET 31.1 (2013): 19-32
Jamie Grant A Biblical Basis of Nationhood Grant MP3 (40.4 Mb) SBET 31.2 (2013): 115-26
Panel* Scottish Nationhood: Personal Perspectives Panel MP3 (42.0 Mb)
Dewi Hughes Making Sense of Being Welsh (Finlayson Lecture) Hughes MP3 (42.1 Mb) SBET 31.1 (2013): 5-18
Angus Morrison Christian Witness in Postmodern Scotland Morrison MP3 (29.3 Mb) SBET 31.1 (2013): 43-60
Doug Gay Is a Christian Vision of Scottish Identity Viable in the Early 21st Century? Gay MP3 (40.4 Mb) SBET 31.1 (2013): 33-42

* The participants in the panel discussion were: John Mason (Scottish National Party), Michael McMahon (Scottish Labour Party), Rose Dowsett (Chair), Graeme McMeekin (Scottish Liberal Democrats), and Murdo Fraser (Scottish Conservative Party)

Tagged with: info, Bulletin, audio.