2017 Annual Conference

Re:forming Tomorrow’s Church Today

Tues/Weds 21-22 Mar 2017 word-logo

On 31 October 1517 Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses in Wittenberg, Germany, an event which eventually led to renewal and reformation in the church and also to revitalisation in European society. To mark 500 years since that epochal event, this year’s conference addresses six key ‘theses’ that our churches in Scotland urgently need to consider, as suggested by SETS members earlier this year.

The Finlayson Lecture—to which members of the public are warmly invited on the Tuesday evening—will be delivered by Canon Mike Parker, Middle East Director, SIM (Serving In Mission).

Conference Speakers

  • Dick Dowsett, Cross-cultural evangelist and Bible expositor
  • Rose Dowsett, Missiologist and author, OMF International
  • Donald Macleod, Professor Emeritus, Edinburgh Theological Seminary
  • John McPake, Ecumenical Officer, Church of Scotland
  • David Smith, Honorary Lecturer for the Centre of Ministry Studies, University of Aberdeen

Venue: St Silas Episcopal Church
69 Park Road, Glasgow, G4 9JE
near Glasgow University | Map location

View or download the 2017 Conference Brochure and booking form (561Kb), or get it in a ‘lite format’ (single side A4).

Bookings may also be made online: visit the Eventbrite 2017 SETS Conference page for details.