
SBET cover The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is edited by Revd Dr John Ferguson, and published by the Society in association with Highland Theological College UHI. Two numbers (Spring, Autumn) appear in each annual issue.

The scope of the Bulletin is broadly defined as theology, especially Scottish and Reformed, whether biblical, systematic-dogmatic, historical or practical, and Scottish church history. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the Editor, books for review to one of the the Review Editors.

Editor: For general editorial matters, including enquiries about manuscript submission, contact John Ferguson at scobethe@gmail.com.

Review Editors: Responsibility for book reviews is shared by Dr Thomas Breimaier (church history, systematic theology, historical theology, and missions); and Philip D. Foster (Old and New Testament, biblical theology, apologetics, and Christian life/practical theology). For enquiries relating to book reviews, contact the Book Review Editors at scobethe+reviews@gmail.com. Please contact the relevant Book Review editor before posting books for review.


Subscriptions and other administrative matters are handled by Highland Theological College UHI at sbet.htc@uhi.ac.uk, who can also advise on availability of back issues on request.


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