2016 Annual Conference

A Gospel for Sale? Is God a Commodity?

4-5 April 2016 prison bible

Market forces have been part of the Christian story ever since an exchange involving thirty pieces of silver and the treasurer for The Twelve. Skye Jethani has described ‘consumerism’ as

a set of presuppositions most of us have been formed to carry without question or critique. More than merely an economic system, it is the framework through which we understand everything including the gospel, the church, and God himself.

(The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity [Zondervan, 2009], p. 12.) How should Christians respond to this cultural norm? Is ‘consumerism’ an enemy of the gospel, or a means by which it can be communicated?

The Finlayson Lecture—to which members of the public are warmly invited on the Monday evening—will be delivered by Antony Billington, Head of Theology at the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity.

Conference Speakers

  • Rev Fred Drummond, Director of Evangelical Alliance Scotland
  • Jonathan Gemmell, Senior Pastor, Bruntsfield Evangelical Church, Edinburgh; Chairman, East of Scotland Gospel Partnership
  • Dr Randall Gruendyke, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Muncie, Indiana
  • Right Rev Dr Angus Morrison, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
  • Angus Moyes, East Team Leader, Scripture Union Scotland
  • Dr David Reimer, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, University of Edinburgh

Venue: St Silas Episcopal Church
69 Park Road, Glasgow, G4 9JE
near Glasgow University | Map location

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N.B. - the correct email address for Conference bookings is gordonk15@btinternet.com. We apologize for the typo in earlier versions of the Conference brochures!