Being the Church Today (Inverness)

On Saturday, November 26th, Inverness East Church will be hosting a SETS day conference on the theme “Being the Church Today”. The day begins with a welcome at 9:45, followed by three papers:

10.00am Paper 1 – The Church and the Glory of God / Ephesians 3:21 (Hector Morrison)
11.45am Paper 2 – The Church and its Holiness / Ephesians 5:25-27 (Bruce Ritchie)
2.00pm Paper 3 – The Church and the Communion of Saints / 1 Corinthians 1:2 (Fergus MacDonald)


  • The Rev Hector Morrison is Principal of the Highland Theological College.
  • The Rev Dr Bruce Ritchie is Minister of Castle Street Church of Scotland in Dingwall.
  • The Rev Dr Fergus MacDonald is the Chairman of the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society.


To register, contact Mrs Dolina Coventry
Telephone: (01463) 236 695

The cost of the day will be £5.
Coffee and Tea supplied; bring your own lunch.

Full Programme Brochure for SETS "Being the Church Today" conference, Inverness