Commission, Community, and Credibility


Peter Neilson

NeilsonPeter Neilson is a Church of Scotland minister with 30 years’ experience in Mount Florida, Glasgow, and in St Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh, where he pioneered innovative ministry in the business community, nightclubs and among homeless people.

David Wright

WrightProfessor David Wright was a leading academic at New College. He taught at the University’s faculty of divinity for forty years.

Alistair May

MayAlistair May has been minister of Stonelaw Church of Scotland since 2002. He studied law before taking his BD, and then his PhD in New Testament.

Geoffrey Stevenson

StevensonGeoffrey Stevenson teaches preaching, media and communication at New College, Edinburgh, as well as free-lance writing and teaching. Prior to his PhD in homiletics at Edinburgh, he was Director of the Centre for Christian Communication at St John’s College, Durham, training and resourcing church leaders.