Edinburgh Reading Group, January-March 2018

As the New Year begins, the Edinburgh SETS reading group is reconvening to discuss Kevin Vanhoozer’s recent book, Biblical Authority after Babel (Brazos Press, 2016).

cover pic The full subtitle begins to suggest what is at stake in Vanhoozer’s project: Retrieving the Solas in the Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity. Written in part with the “500th anniversary of the Reformation” marked in 2017,

he argues that retrieving the Reformation’s core principles offers an answer to critics of Protestant biblical interpretation. Vanhoozer explores how a proper reappropriation of the five solas—sola gratia (grace alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (in Christ alone), and sola Deo gloria (for the glory of God alone)—offers the tools to constrain biblical interpretation and to establish interpretive authority.

(From the dedicated website for the book — pay a visit for more resources.)

The dates and sections for discussion are as follows:

  • 18 January: Introduction
  • 1 February: ch. 1, “Grace Alone”
  • 15 February: ch. 2, “Faith Alone”
  • 1 March: ch. 3, “Scripture Alone”
  • 15 March: ch. 4, “In Christ Alone”
  • 29 March: ch. 5, “For the Glory of God Alone” + Conclusion

Our venue for all sessions is, as ever, in Room 8 of the Free Church building (15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 2LS), and we meet from 5:00-6:00 p.m.

There is a mailing list for the Edinburgh SETS reading group. If you would like to be added to it, please visit the Google Group page, and send your email address via the “contact the owner” link.

Tagged with: reading group, Edinburgh.