Revd Dr Geoffrey W. Grogan (1925-2011)

Geoffrey Grogan was one of the founders of the Scottish Tyndale Fellowship when it was initiated in 1958. This body, which later became known as the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society (SETS), provided a platform where committed evangelical theologians could wrestle with the meaning and the implications in Scottish contexts of ‘the faith which once and for all God has given to his people.’ In particular it sought to encourage theology in the academy to interact creatively with theology in the church.

Geoffrey Grogan Geoffrey Grogan became one of the most active, competent and enthusiastic members of this new body, and it was no surprise when he was unanimously chosen to the Chair of SETS when Professor R A Finlayson, the first chairman, retired. Geoffrey served in the chair with great distinction for ten years before passing the baton to Professor David F Wright, and I am honoured to pay this brief tribute to him on behalf of the SETS membership.

My tribute is also personal, for I knew Geoffrey for well over forty years, first of all through STF/SETS and later when I served as a part-time lecturer in the Glasgow BTI under his Principalship. We became very good friends, and over the past number of years we regularly exchanged emails, either about SETS or about one of Geoffrey’s publishing projects. I came to know and respect him highly as a man with both a strong biblical faith and an amazingly gracious Christian character. Geoffrey Grogan had very deep doctrinal convictions, but he invariably exemplified what it means to contend for the truth in love. He was a great encourager and his advice was always down to earth.

The Lord blessed Geoffrey with a keen mind which he devoted fully to articulating and promoting the evangelical faith, both in his class lectures and his publications. He was a man of enormous energy which did not seem to diminish with the years, enabling him to write and publish well over half a dozen excellent books in his retirement.

Geoffrey Grogan was a devout churchman as well as an able theologian, and he was deeply concerned for the spiritual health of the churches in Scotland and beyond. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him, but we rejoice that this good and faithful servant is now serving in the Church triumphant and rejoicing in the nearer presence of the Lord he loves.

We assure Eva and the family of our prayers.

Fergus Macdonald,
Chair, Scottish Evangelical Theology Society

A memorial website provides further reflection on Geoff Grogan’s life and ministry.

Tagged with: memorial.